1 week already?!

Wow! Time has flown! I cannot believe my sweet little baby has already been in our lives for a whole week. I know it is mostly hormones but I broke down crying about it this morning…..she is going to grow up way too fast! :*(
This past week has been absolutely amazing. Everyone always tells you how hard it is with a newborn….how you will be in “survival” mode…well I hate to disagree but honestly this past week hasn’t been bad at all! Most of this is probably because I knew exactly what to expect with a newborn (one plus of being a NICU nurse!) šŸ˜‰ It also helps that so far Harper has been a pretty laid-back kiddo. She only really cries when she wants to eat, which is every 2.5 – 3hrs!
The hardest part of the week has definately been breastfeeding. I am very lucky to have a baby that had a great latch from day one and my milk came in on day 4….but that still doesn’t make it easy! I’ve assisted many moms with breastfeeding, but now that it is me & my baby all my knowledge has flown out the window! Trying to figure out when to feed, which side to feed on (both or just one….), when to pump, when not to pump…………it will make your head spin!! So far we have had no real problems and I am making MORE than enough milk so hopefully I can build up my freezer stash soon!

Luckily Dan has been able to be home for almost the whole week (he worked 2 nights) so we have had plenty of time to just relax and enjoy being a new family! We also had our first “outing” on Monday to Harper’s newborn photoshoot. The studio was about 2 hrs away so I was pretty nervous but it went great! I nursed her before we left and she slept the entire way. She also did pretty good during the actual photo session….we didn’t get all the shots we were hoping for because she woke up towards the end and NOTHING we tried got her back to sleep! Hopefully we got a few great shots though! We should see the proofs in another week or two and I cannot wait! šŸ™‚

We also got to celebrate Danā€™s first Fatherā€™s Day!! J It was pretty low-key since Harper was only 4 days old but Dan got to enjoy extra cuddles/kisses before he headed to the lake for some kayaking time (he has been dying to go! I wouldnā€™t let him the last few weeks of the pregnancy due to him being hard to reach out on the water!). When he got home we surprised him with a homemade cake and a card/picture from Harper. It was a great day!

Here are some photos we have gotten throughout the week:
My gorgeous 1 week old!!
Happy Father’s Day Daddy!

That smile melts my heart!

Sleeping princess!

Her favorite nap spot…right on Daddy!
We are only 1 week into this parenthood thing…..and I am LOVING it!!

Harper Jane’s Birth Story

If talk about labor, blood, or other bodily fluids disgust youā€¦..this might not be the post for you! šŸ˜‰ It is pretty long but I didnā€™t want to forget anything!

Our story begins on Tuesday June 15th when I woke with major cramps & contractions. I had been having both for the past 2 weeks, but something felt a little different that morning. Throughout the day they continued though nothing was time able or showed any sort of patternā€¦..they werenā€™t even really painful, just annoying! I also started bleeding and passing small clots which were a completely new thing. I told Dan it looked like things might be coming soon.

I was awake all night on Tuesday having some anxiety attacks about being home alone while Dan was at work. It has never bothered me before & we had talked about what we should do if I went into labor while he was working but I just couldnā€™t calm down. I think my mind had an idea something was about to start!

At 4:15am Wednesday, June 16th I went to roll over in bed and felt a very distinctive ā€œpopā€. I automatically leaped from the bed and into the bathroomā€¦..sure enough my water had broken!! I was also having contractions but they were small and sporadic. I called Dan to let him know what was going on ā€“ pretty sure it was the longest 3 Ā½ hours he has ever spent at work!! While I waited on him to get off I decided to get all the little items packed that werenā€™t yet & throw in a load of laundry. The contractions finally started getting into a pattern so I started timing them at 5-6 min apart, 30-40 sec long. We had long decided that we wanted to labor at home as long as possible since I really wanted to go med/intervention free. I called my OB to let her know that my water had broken and she advised me to stay at home until the pain became too much or they were 3 min apart lasting for over a min each. Dan finally arrived home and we decided to take a walk around the neighborhood to see if I could get the contractions to increase in time/duration. Unfortunately the opposite seemed to happenā€¦..they stopped!!!

I had a big fear of labor stalling and Dan thought that maybe I was stressing myself out (causing the contractions to disappear) so while he laid down for a quick nap around 10:30 I decided to sit in the rocking chair (which usually made me contract) and listen to one of my hypnobabies CDs to relax. I ended up falling asleep and waking up to my OB calling around 11:30 to see how I was progressing. Once I admitted that the contractions had pretty much gone away she told me to give it another hour and then head to the hospital (it had been 7hrs since my water broke) so they could examine me & we could discuss options.

I can honestly say I felt so defeated at that point! I just knew I was going to show up at the hospital, get strapped to the bed, and started on pitocin. I was terrified of the pitocin because it usually makes contractions much much more intense than natural contractions and most women end up needing the epidural to get through them.

At noon I woke Dan up and we grabbed our bags to start heading out. On the way to the hospital we joked about just jolting the kiddo out (it is pothole season in Chicago)ā€¦.but weirdly enough hitting the holes actually started my contractions back up! We headed into triage where they verified that it was my bag of waters that had broken and the monitor showed small contractions every 6-7 minutes (most of which I wasnā€™t feeling). I was officially admitted and headed upstairs to the delivery room around 1:30pm! Once there I was started on an IV (originally I was only going to allow a hep-lock for emergencies but decided to go ahead and allow fluids since I was having a hard time drinking water without getting nauseous! I then met with the nurse midwife that was on call (the OB on call was busy) and we discussed allowing me to try a little longer to get things going without the pitocin. So Dan and I started pacing the hallways. Around 2pm the OB on call came to get us and started pushing the pitocinā€¦.exactly like I expected! I wasnā€™t comfortable with that yet because my contractions had started to intensify though they were still 5-6 min. apart. Luckily my nurse was amazing and sided with us! šŸ˜‰ I asked the OB to check me first and see if any progress had been made. She wasnā€™t happy about it but decided to go ahead and we were all surprised to find out I was at 5cm! I had been 3+ just a few days before so something was working! She also discovered that my bag of waters had resealed and we agreed to let her re-pop it if we could continue to labor without pitocin.

As soon as she popped the membranes my contractions started getting extremely intense! Wow! Major difference! We continued to walk the halls until they got to the point where I was having trouble standing through them. We headed back to the room and requested a birthing ball so I could sit and bounce. The ball felt amazing BUT it always seemed to slow the contractions down. Grrr!! I knew the clock was ticking so we decided to pace the room (me leaning on Dan when the contractions started) and do short stints on the ball when I got shaky from the pain. We did this for about 2 hrs and my contractions started getting extremely strong and close together (1-2 minutes lasting around a minute). The pain was completely different than I expected and it was hard to figure out what helped me get through it! Sitting on the ball was nice but it was hard to balance when the pain hit. I was getting extremely tired and just wanted to lean against somethingā€¦.but that made the pain 10X worse!! I wanted so badly to lie in bed and close my eyes but that made things unbearable (I think that was the only time I actually screamed out! We got me up from there quickly!!) šŸ˜‰ Poor Dan was running around trying everything: massage, counter pressure (back pain had started), swaying. Etcā€¦.A few times I broke down and started panicking that I couldnā€™t handle it and luckily each time he was there to calm me down, refocus me, and let me know how proud he was.

I had prepared for labor using the hypnobabies technique (which I highly recommend!) and the plan had been for me to listen to the CDs during laborā€¦.but it ended up that I couldnā€™t handle any type of sound during contractions so that idea flew out the window! I still feel that they helped me through much of my active labor because I used the techniques to make sure I relaxed my muscles during the contractions and not fight the pain. Each time I felt a contraction hit I would try to relax all my muscles (not easy!) and would close my eyes whispering deeper & deeper or just counting down 5 to 1. For some reason counting down helped me a lot! I would just keep doing it until the contraction passed.

Around 5:30 the pain got extremely intense and I kept feeling like I had to go to the bathroom. The OB came back in to check me (a little shame faced I might add!) and I was just over 7cm! We had hit transition!!!! I knew that while this was usually the shortest part of labor it was also the hardest/most intense. Iā€™m not going to lieā€¦.the next hour and a half was the longest and hardest of my entire life. My contractions were coming back to back and extremely strong. I kept thinking I had to go to the bathroom because of the pressure (once again the pressure was totally different than what I had been expecting!! There was no vaginal pressureā€¦..all rectal!). My nurse got me a chair that has the middle of the seat cut out (similar to a toilet) to sit on which helped greatly (allowed the baby to push down without meeting resistance). The pain was still incredible and I was so tired I kept nodding off during the few seconds I had between contractions. I had been told my other momā€™s who had done a natural birth that this was the point when I would want to give up and get some drugs. That is 100% true. Around 6:30pm I panicked and broke down to Dan telling him that I couldnā€™t do this. I know it was extremely hard for him to see me like this and we cried together several times. It if hadnā€™t been for him and my amazing nurse coaching me on I know I would not have been able to persevere. Around 7pm my nurse decided to check me since I was having so much pressure and we were at 9cm! One side of my cervix was almost at 10 so we were extremely close!

About 30 minutes later I started moaning that I had to push, I NEEDED to push. I got back in bed & my nurse checked again. I still had a small lip of cervix but she thought I could probably push around it so the OB was paged (luckily a new one had just come on shift!!). At 7:30 I started pushing (yep I was ā€œthat patientā€ that started at change of shiftā€¦.haha!). Once again, the pain of pushing was much different than I expected!! Everyone told me it would be a relief to pushā€¦..I did not feel that at ALL! I wanted to push because I knew it was the only way for the pain to end (and my body was pushing whether I wanted it to or not!) but I didnā€™t feel the ā€œreliefā€.

I had planned to not do the ā€œred-facedā€ pushing (you know the typeā€¦.push down hard, count to 10ā€¦.) and was hoping to ā€œbreathe the baby outā€ as taught in the hypnobabies course. My body on the other hand had other ideas! Each time a contraction hit I would bear down hard automatically. Red-faced 100%! I kept trying to hold back (especially when the baby was crowning since that is the best way not to tear!) but I couldnā€™t stop it! After an hour of pushing my beautiful baby girl was born!!! The OB had me catch the baby and pull her up to my chest. Amazing! Everything was so crazy that for a minute I forgot that we didnā€™t even know if it was a boy or girl!! I had asked that Dan be the one to announce it but my OB had to remind him and grab her leg so he could see!! Considering that EVERYONE had predicted a boy I was shocked to see that she was definitely a little girl!!! I started laughing and Dan started crying. It was the most amazing moment of my life.

Harper Jane weighed in at 6lbs 15ozs and 19 inches long. I was expecting a much bigger baby and canā€™t believe how small she is! We did some skin to skin right away and she latched on automatically (she is awesome at breastfeeding!). I ended up having a small maternal hemorrhage which was scary for both Dan and I and the next few hours were a little struggle between the hormone changes, blood loss, and shock. Luckily they managed to get the bleeding to stop (I had to get a LR bolus, 2X the normal dose of pitocin, cytotec, AND a shot of something I didnā€™t catch the name of! I am so thankful that I had an IV placed!!) but the first 2 hours are kind of hazy to me! Much to everyoneā€™s shock I only had a small 1st degree tear that needed a few stitches. The OB was amazed! With how I was pushing she thought I would be pretty messed up!

Even though I felt like I lost control several times during labor (especially at the end), everyone kept talking about how they had never seen a labor like it! Going natural is NOT common at my hospital and none of the staff had even heard of hypnobabies! People kept popping in to get a glimpse of the ā€œquiet hypnoā€ mom. Kind of funny! The OB kept commenting on how I was quieter than many of their moms with epidurals ā€“ especially during pushing. I guess looking back I was pretty quiet 95% of the time!

So far recovery is going well! Sore and exhausted (running on about 3 Ā½ hrs of sleep at this point) but I canā€™t stop staring at my amazing little girl! I still donā€™t think it has sunk in yet that she is mine!! She looks just like her daddy and is the most gorgeous baby Iā€™ve ever seen! Pure love!

Going natural was the hardest and most intense thing I have ever done, and I would do it again 100%! Being confined to a bed and immobile (for the most part) terrifies me and Iā€™ve witnessed too many times where the epidural didnā€™t take or caused severe spinal headaches. For me it just wasnā€™t an option I wanted to consider. I spent the last 9 months mentally preparing myself for labor and birth. Our bodies were created to have children and it is amazing what it can do if you allow it. There is no medal given for having natural childbirth, and it is not for everyone, but I feel like I won a gold medal that I get to keep deep inside my heart. I set out to see what my body could do (and I am a wuss with pain!) and it did so much more than I ever imagined! Iā€™m sure my body will never look the same as it did before my daughter (although I did manage to get NO stretch marks!! Crazy!) but I have a whole new respect for it.

That is all I have for now! Iā€™m going to go back to holding and loving on my gorgeous little girl!! I am a mommy!!!!!

Baby? What baby?

Well so much for “mommy intuition”! My guess of June 11th came and went…with no baby to show for it! We are officially in the “could happen any minute” phase and it is driving me NUTS! According to my OB my body is 100% ready to go (3+cm dilated, more effaced, baby at station 0), it is just up to kiddo to make the move!
Other than the normal issues of pregnancy (nausea, hip/back pain…) I’ve have been incredibly lucky to have had a complication free “easy” time. A part of me is a little sad that this time is almost over. I am going to miss my big ‘ol belly (I can’t even remember not having it!), the little kicks/punches/rolls, and having “monkey” all to myself. I’m selfish but I’ve loved this time I had with kiddo, something only other mommies could start to understand.

The other parts of me are ready to go!! I am a total type “A” personality and need to plan everything. Not having any idea when I will go into labor is driving me crazy! I want to know if I have a son or daughter coming my way….whose nose/lips/eyes kiddo has….what his/her cry sounds like….the list goes on & on. I am ready to have my outside baby!

Weekly Update:

  • How far along? 38wks, 2 days
  • How big is baby? 19-22 inches and 7lbs! We have upgraded from the small round watermelon to the large long one! Eek!
  • Total weight gain/loss: approx (+) 14 lbs! Water weight is crazy though! I can weigh myself & then a few hours later be up 5-7lbs!
  • Stretch marks? Nope. I cannot express how shocked I am to have made it this far!
  • Sleep: Hahahaha!
  • Best moment this week: Getting out and enjoying the gorgeous days with Dan! Last ones without a kiddo to bring along!
  • Movement: Definately slowing down, kiddo has no more room!! Nighttime is still the favorite though!
  • Food cravings: Donuts šŸ˜¦ I have only let myself have a few but I could easily sit and eat dozens! Hoping my willpower holds up!
  • Gender: I have no freaking clue…mommy intuition – FAIL
  • Labor Signs: Body is ready to go & having tons of pressure/cramping/contractions….but nothing with a pattern yet! Come on baby!!
  • Belly Button in or out? We are pretty much all the way out. Very very weird!
  • What I miss: Being able to get up off the couch/chair/bed without it taking 3+ tries! šŸ˜‰
  • What I am looking forward to: Labor!!
  • Weekly Wisdom: I am going to have a stuborn baby….I have accepted it!
  • Milestones: Getting the hospital bags packed, getting the nursery complete (more below!), and being ready to pop at any moment!!!

I haven’t taken my belly pic for this week yet (will do tomorrow morning!) but it is huge! I decided to measure around to see how big it was and it was 40cm!! WOW! I won’t say what I started out with (hehe!) but lets just say holy cow that is bigger than what I thought it would be! It is still strange/amazing to see myself with this big belly! Everytime I get ready I always just stop and stare at it in the mirror. I still can’t believe it is me I’m seeing!

The best thing about today was that we have finished the nursery and gotten everything washed/folded for LO! I love how the room ended up turning out! We wanted something understated (ie – not really babyish) and I think we achieved it! The room is pretty small so we had to pay attention to where we put things and the size of all the furniture! Here are some pics:

(sorry some are blurry/hard to read….blogger screws up all my photos!)


For some reason the photo above won’t go bigger so you can read it! Dan built the gorgeous bookshelf by hand…my favorite piece in the room! We got 4 adorable decals to put on the wall above the bookshelf. We put the decals on their own individual canvas instead of the wall so we can take them with us when we move! šŸ™‚ The other photos are details on the bookcase (wooden blocks for LO’s name, Sophie the giraffe (teething toy…I love it!) and the infant fork/spoon my grandfather bought the baby!

I love it!! Clean, classic, & neutral…exactly what we were going for!! Now we are just missing the main ingredient – THE BABY!!!
Come on out kiddo! Mom & Dad are more than ready to meet you!! :)~

A great day of news!!

Yesterday was a day full of news!!!

The day started with a quick trip to the OB. I’m at the point of weekly check-ups, which are annoying, but I was actually anxious for this one since I had been awake all night with very intense cramping & contractions. Cramping in the last month or so of pregnancy is completely normal (things are “waking up”), but this was the first time they were strong enough to keep me awake & force me to really breathe through them. While there were definate peaks to the pain I wasn’t really able to time them due to the pain never really going away. My OB did the GBS swab (hoping it comes back negative so I can labor at home!!) and decided to check my progress. Having “progress” in no way means ANYTHING about when you will go into labor (some women are dilated for weeks and some go from nothing to full labor in hours) but it is nice to know what is going on in there! I was really hoping to hear “fingertip dilated” or maybe even 1cm but was shocked when she said 3cm!!! WOW! Guess all those cramping/contractions are doing something! Dan’s eyes got as big as saucers when she said that….I think he was ready to wheel me over to L&D right there! Haha!

While I know I can remain this way for many more weeks it is nice knowing that I only have to go from 3-10cm now instead of 0-10! My OB feels though that it will probably be sometime in the next week or two. They haven’t even scheduled me for my 40wk appt because they don’t feel that I will make it that far (they better not be jinxing me!!). Since we officially hit full term tomorrow I can say that I am READY!

As if that wasn’t enough fun news for one day we got the call late last night that we have been waiting for since February! Dan’s Air Force (AF) recruiter called to inform him that his board results are back and he was officially accepted into the United States Air Force Nursing Corps!!! Woo-hoo!!!!

We had given up hearing anything this month since the results were supposed to come out May 21st, but I guess they have just been slow getting the news to the recruiters! Dan will officially go in as an O2E with a few months credited towards his O3! He is pretty excited about being an officer in the military….much different than his enlisted days in the Navy! šŸ™‚ The best part was that they also had his COT (training) date set and duty station for after COTs. We had heard that it might be a few more months before we got that information. His official COT date is in March and he will head to Alabama for 4wks for officer training. We were really really hoping he could get in the October class, but are glad that he doesn’t have to wait until next August like many new officers! The military has so many new recruits that they don’t have enough training dates/spaces to accommodate (gotta love the crappy economy driving everyone to the military!).

Once he is done with COTs he has a little over a week to report to his duty station. This was the news I had been waiting impatiently for! We had given our list of places that we hoped to go with a mixture of overseas and stateside. Our first choice for overseas was Germany and our first choice for stateside was San Antonio. Our official duty station is: SAN ANTONIO!! šŸ™‚ I am kinda bummed about not going overseas but not really shocked. The military rarely lets new officers go overseas right away (we had hoped to skirt that issue since Dan is prior military and has already done overseas assignments).

Truthfully though the assignment works out to be better in the long run. My grandparent’s have been having health issues and my grandfather just got some devestating health news. Everyone who knows me knows how close my grandparents are to me (no one means more to me than them except my husband and child). I am happy that this move puts me closer to them and love that they can get more quality time with their new great-grandbaby. The news we recieved on my grandfather made me realize that they may not be around much longer and I want to take advantage of every minute/day I have left. Now they will only be 5hrs away and can easily visit!!

It is also great that we will once again be back in the great state of Texas and close to our friends!! Having friends in Texas and California when you live in Illinois is annoying and hard!! Now we will be close enough for football game parties, river weekends, etc!! šŸ™‚ That makes me very very happy! Plus I can now focus my trips to visit friends on heading to Cali! No more splitting between the states!

We will be stationed there for 2-3 yrs (not sure yet…) and then can put in a request for Germany! Dan will have rank and AF experience by then so there shouldn’t be a problem getting over there or somewhere else in Europe (they also have hospitals in Italy and England). Another positive to this is that kiddo will be getting old enough to start school. We are not happy with the TX education system (google the changes the State Board of Edu made to textbooks…..pathetic) and were not looking forward to paying for private school. Honestly we pretty much hate the way the majority of the US goes about education, but now we can hopefully put our kiddo in the Euroean school system! yay! I also love that “monkey” can learn another language easily through immersion and school!

I just have to remind myself that while my dreams of LIVING overseas have been pushed back a few years, it in no way changes our TRAVELING overseas! If anything we will be traveling more due to Dan getting more paid vacation each year (30 days a year!) and the ability to take cheap military flights (umm $12/person to go from San Antonio to Germany…..hell yeah!). Plus we have our anniversary coming up in October so I get to have some fun planning this year’s trip!

I will say though that it is soooooooooo nice knowing when/where we are going!! Plans can be made now!! 9 more months to enjoy Chicago and then we are headed out! Time to figure out if we are going to rent or sell our place up here….look for a new car (we only have one for the city)….and explore the parts of the northeast we haven’t hit yet! Then comes the fun part of moving! Anyone interested in visiting Chicago needs to hurry up and come! šŸ˜‰

It’s June!!!

June 1st! Aggghh!

We are having a baby this month (well it better be this month kiddo…momma does NOT want to head in to July feeling like a swollen elephant!). In October when we found out we were pregnant it felt like June would never come, but it finally showed up! šŸ™‚

People are starting to make bets on when the baby is going to come and what the sex will be. My cousin guesses June 5th/Boy (that is scary because that is just DAYS away!!), Dan says June 15th/Boy (though he wants it to be known that he doesn’t care either way!!), and my vote is June 11th/Girl (what the heck I’m going to go against the grain!). Leave me a message with your guess! šŸ™‚

Here are some “clues” to help base your guess:

– I have been carrying extremely low all pregnancy
– Baby’s heartrate has been in the 130-140 range
– Contractions have started late at night/early morning but nothing timeable or with a pattern
– I’ve had periods of heartburn, but nothing too terrible
– My face has been broken out like a 15yr old since I took the pg test
– My hair is limp, lifeless, and disgusting!
– The Chinese Gender Chart predicts a boy
– Our official due date is June 25th and all ultrasounds have been right on!!
The anticipation is crazy! I think poor Dan is about to have a heart attack from it all šŸ˜‰ Last night I came out of the bathroom & made a comment about a possible stretch mark appearing (it went away though by morning…yay!) and in his 1/2 asleep mind he thought I was telling him that it was time. The look on his face was priceless!! Hmm…..thinking I should grab the camera for when I really do say that to him! He is now begging to pack the hospital bag so that is the agend for tonight.

Other preperations have been getting freezer meals ready for the first week or two after the baby! This way I can take it out & bake it for a great homemade meal with no stress…..especially on nights that Dan has to work & sleep all day! I’ve already made almost 36 breakfast burritos and red beans/rice so today I’m going to finish up with the lasagna, enchiladas, macaroni/cheese, and rhubarb bread! I don’t think anything else will fit in our freezer!

The decals/frames for the baby’s room should arrive this week so then everything will be ready! Poor Holly can’t figure out what the heck is going on in that room! She loves the rug we bought…but gets really anxious when we hang out there for too long. I also think she can tell that I’m getting close (the vet said it has something to do with the changing hormones) because she is EXTREMELY clingy to me these days! I can’t go more than 4 ft away from her at any time! She has always loved her mommy but she is 110% a daddy’s girl….until now! šŸ˜‰

Weekly Update:
  • How far along? 36wks, 4 days
  • How big is baby? 19-22 inches and 6.5lbs! The size of a watermelon…..yes a watermelon! That is terrifying!!!!
  • Total weight gain/loss: approx (+) 12 lbs!
  • Stretch marks? Thought I had a few last night…but they randomly disappeared! Hoping it stays that way šŸ˜‰
  • Sleep: I’ve forgotten the word
  • Best moment this week: This past week has actually been really hard as we got some devestating news about my grandfather. Can’t think of a “good” moment unfortunately šŸ˜¦
  • Movement: 11pm-3am seems to be “party time” in the uterus! Kiddo is running out of room but loves to hook it’s toes under my right rib & push hard……I have to push back! Feels like it is going to snap!
  • Food cravings: Still loving the pineapple! The fact that it softens & ripens the cervix is an added bonus!
  • Gender: What is your guess?!
  • Labor Signs: Increase in amount & intensity of contractions but that is about it! Should find out tomorrow if I’m dilated anything! šŸ™‚
  • Belly Button in or out? I’m going to say 75% out and 25% flat
  • What I miss: Sleeping on my tummy & being able to go 30 minutes without peeing!
  • What I am looking forward to: Hitting full term (Only 3 more days!)
  • Weekly Wisdom: Contractions feel totally different than I expected!
  • Milestones: Making it to June! Our birth month!!! Yay!

I haven’t really felt like my tummy grew anymore (I’ve actually felt a little better the last week or so), but the picture says otherwise! The watermelon size suddenly really looks right! Yikes!

(I cannot believe I’m still posting bare belly pics!! Yikes! Oh well I started so now I’ve got to finish!)