4 months..oh my!

Updating the blog is getting harder and harder with a crazy little girl who has decided that sleep is way overrated! 🙂

We hit the 4 month mark with a bang! I had heard from other moms & our pedi that most little ones hit a sleep regression during the 4th month, often termed the “4 month wakeful”.  It seems that it has something to do with their brain & development. The fourth month is one of the biggest in terms of cognitive development and those little neurons are firing like crazy trying to process all the new things they are learning….interrupting sleep! I had hoped and prayed that we would be one of the lucky ones who skip this “fun” milestone….after all Harper has NEVER been a good sleeper! Unfortunatly though we are smack dab in the middle of the dreaded 4 month wakeful!  ::Sigh::

I'm sleepy but I'm not giving in!!

Currently Harper is going to bed at exactly 7:30. Not a minute earlier and not a minute later….it is pretty comical! Our later dinners out have officially become a thing of the past! If we are not home by 7:00 we are headed for a meltdown! She goes down quickly but stirs awake several times before we are ready for bed….luckily a quick trip in to replace the paci or pat the back puts her back down fast! Once we are in bed she seems to sleep a little better, but wakes to eat or comfort nurse every 2-3 hours. Having our crib sidecarred has been a godsend!! If I was having to get out of bed and go down the hall that many times a night I would be a walking zombie! Thankfully I just have to scoot her over a little bit and nurse her right there. I think I do it in my sleep most of the time! 🙂 

The worst part of our “wakeful” though have been naps! Well…really how they have completly disappeared. Harper wakes up between 7:30 and 8:00 and I am lucky if I can get one semi-decent nap in during the day! By semi-decent I mean hopefully close to an hour. Some days she only sleeps 20 minutes during the day. Only 20 minutes in a 12hr period! Oh.my.word! I love my little girl to pieces but that means I get no downtime…it is a full day of entertaining and playing. It is exhausting! I cherish the days that Dan is off work! Just having someone who can take over for a short time so I can grab a shower or sleep in those 30 extra minutes is truely life-saving some days! Nothing makes a man sexier then him saying “go back to bed, I’ve got the baby!” 🙂

Even with the craziness that has become our sleep cycle it has been so much fun! Every single day Harper changes and gets more & more fun! She has so much personality now and really interacts with everything around her. She is still a crazy little chatter-box, but her voice has changed to more squealing….we think it’s cute….I’m sure others in public don’t! 😉  She smiles and squeals all the time, but laughs are pretty hard to get. We call her our dare-devil though because she loves  it when we hold her and do squats. She goes crazy with the drop down.

Other milestones:

  • Teething! The amount of drool that one little girl can produce is incredible! I have never seen anything like it! Absolutely nothing can stay away from that mouth. If her little hands can hold it it will be in the mouth!
  • Her absolute favorite toy is her crinkle book! Watching her try to cram that in the mouth is pretty comical. She also seems to love her linking rings. Teething rings and rattles are big fails with our little girl!
  • Weighed in at 12lbs 14.5ozs and 24.5in long at her 4 month appointment. I was concerned about the small growth between the 3rd & 4th month but the pedi had no problem with it! Could be from the extra activity she is doing now. She was in the 50th percentile for all three measurements! Perfectly proportioned!
  • She is getting pretty good at rolling from tummy to back, but has only done back to tummy a small handful of times. She tries hard though!
  • She learned to blow raspberries! We were at the mall and I kept hearing this funny sound…..finally figured out it was Harper blowing raspberries over my shoulder! It is her new favorite sound and she does it all.the.time!
  • Harper & Holly have finally begun to interact! Holly has always been intrigued by Harper but since we wouldn’t really let her get too close she got easily bored and ignored her. Now though she is loving this loud/active baby! Harper can’t figure out what the heck the big brown thing is but I love watching them together! Harper gets a full doggie bath at least 5 times a day. Holly licks her like crazy and she tries her hardest to catch the tongue! Haha! She has only managed to get it once but it was great!

    I love my crinkle book!

    Harper & her big sis!
    I’m getting so big!
    Love my girls!

     We are gearing up for Harper’s first halloween, which will be pretty low-key since candy isn’t really in her diet yet! 😉  I figure we will just dress her up and head to my aunt’s house for a quick trick or treat! We did celebrate today by dressing her up as a black cat and heading downtown for a cute Halloween festival. She wasn’t too crazy about the circus/acrobatic people at first (too loud I think!), but she quickly calmed down & seemed fascinated with the show! We also headed out to the pumpkin patch last week which was a BLAST! Harper was fascinated with all the pumpkins (and kids running around). She kept reaching out and trying to touch all the pumpkins. I tried to get some cute pictures of her in her ladybug costume….but she was pretty grumpy (getting 4 shots earlier didn’t help!) so she looks pretty peeved in all of them! Hehe!

    Grumpy girl in the pumpkins!

    My ladybug!
    Little Black Cat
    Mommy & Harper at the Festival

     Holidays are a million times more fun with a little one! I’m already gearing up for Christmas! We have been putting off getting her things that she needs so we can do a big Christmas (without buying a bunch of crap she doesn’t need!). She will also get her first taste of solids at Xmas! Part of me can’t wait (what a fun milestone), but the other part of me is sad that my baby is growing up. She’ll still nurse for most of her nutrients but it will slowly be replaced over the next year. Time goes too quick!

    Daddy taught me to tear paper!


October Love

Why can’t it just stay October all year round?! I love this month for so many reasons….cool crisp weather, changing leaves, pumpkin spice latte, wedding anniversary, travels, etc. It really is the best month of the year!!

This October has been hectic & crazy (what in my life isn’t?! hehe!). We wrapped up our fall travels and I am proud to say that Harper did amazing!! 🙂  We had a few fussy moments but all in all she handled the travels & time change like a champ! Definately a Thurow girl! I didn’t get as many photos as I would have liked because I learned that taking photos while taking care of a baby is really HARD! :0)

We started off our travel fun going to TX and spending 2 weeks doing our best to see everyone….and I mean everyone! This was actually the first time that I managed to hit every single person I wanted to (and actually got to visit one more that I hadn’t planned on!). We drove from Dallas to Austin (stopping in Round Rock for a 2lb TX donut….oh it was yummy!) to visit old friends & one of Dan’s Navy buddies. Austin really is the best place in TX! I wish we were moving there…but I guess San Antonio is close enough. After Austin we headed back to Dallas where I convinced Dan to go to my HS Homecoming game (Go Bearcats!) 😉 and meet up with old friends at my 10yr reunion. I actually had a great time reconnecting with old classmates! Crazy how little everyone had changed in 10yrs….only difference was the husbands/wives/children that were along for the ride! Harper amazed me by sleeping through the entire ordeal!

The rest of the week was spent visiting old nursing school friends, an old college roommate (who I hadn’t seen for 8yrs!!), and trying to spend as much time with my grandparents as possible. My granddad seems to be doing a little better…but is still incredibly weak and seems to be giving up the fight. It breaks my heart. My grandmother is also having weird episodes that have no medical reasoning….I think they are so connected after 60+ years together that her body is failing with his. I feel like the hour glass has been turned over and the sand is falling faster & faster….I truely thought this day would never come. I am so thankful though that my grandfather got some good time with Harper. He was so sick the last time we went home that he has no memory of every meeting her!!! I managed to get an amazing picture of him playing with her that I will treasure for the rest of my life. I still have to upload the photo but here are a few that we found when going through old magazines….wasn’t my grandma a looker?!

He will always be my hero

 After saying a hard goodbye to the grandparents Harper & I jumped on the plane to Chicago for 1 day before taking off again to California!!  🙂  Due to pregnancy & other issues I hadn’t made it back since we moved last year. Way way way too long! We were only there for 5 days but managed to hit up the wineries (other than friends it is what I miss most!), have good gossip time with my bestie, and have a girls night out at our favorite sushi place! Girls night out was very different this year…..along with the 10 ladies that showed up we had 6 babies (and 1 fetus) along as well! It has been a busy busy year for some of us! We went early to avoid the dinner rush, but our male servers were a little overwhelmed I think!

It rained the entire time we were there (go figure!) so I didn’t get any photos of Harper at the beach…guess it just means I have to go back soon! 😉  I miss CA so much! I told Dan that after we are done with our overseas assignment we should look into trying to get assigned to Fort Travis (just outside of San Francisco). I think I’m a west coast kinda girl!

Baby Girl along for the ride! (Don't worry I was DD & only sipped throughout the day!)

After saying a very sad goodbye (I’m still a little bummed Kimmy!) Harper & I headed back to Chicago for a day to get ready for our final trip….Washington DC! It felt weird not doing a big European trip for our anniversary this year, but we had a great time in DC & I really think we will enjoy Europe more in the spring when Harper is a few months older! We spent our time in DC walking (and walking and walking) to all the monuments and big museums. This vacation was very different than most of our vacations in the sense that we were never in a big rush to “see it all”. Maybe it’s because we have both been to DC (when we were preteens) or maybe it’s because it is stateside & we are more likely to be back soon (if Dan’s big career goal is reached then we might one day live there!) but we just weren’t feeling the need to rush from place to place. It was also very different from other trips in that we were awake & out the door early each morning….and back at the hotel early each night! Gotta love travelling with a baby! 😉

Vietnam War Memorial


My 'lil traveller

Goofy Dan

World Trade Center Antenna from 9/11....heartbreaking

Unknown Soldier's Tomb

Most people wouldn’t think to bring their kiddos on an anniversary trip…but we wouldn’t have it any other way! I’m sure in the future we will visit places that won’t be very “child friendly”….but we enjoy having Harper around us and loved our first real family vacation! We plan to travel a lot more in our marriage and plan to include our kids in about 95% of those travels! Our little ones will see the world! We were concerned about how it would be without a stroller for a week in DC, but it was great!! We took turns wearing her in the wrap & had no problems. We haven’t bought a stroller yet & I think we can easily wait on that purchase a lot longer! Harper slept through a lot of the sight seeing in the wrap and the few times she had a little melt-down we would take her out & find a quiet spot where we could sit & let her play for a bit. One night she was clearly exhausted from the day so we decided to skip having dinner at the fancy Thai place down the street from our hotel & got them to make us something to go so we could have a hotel picnic while she took a much needed nap. Oh how different life is with baby! 😉  I wouldn’t change it for anything though (but I do tell people to take a few big trips with your husband/wife before having kiddos!).

Our Fancy Hotel Picnic 🙂

An exhausted baby


First family vacation = success!

It is hard to believe that 3yrs have gone by since Dan & I said “I do”! Time has flown! I feel like it was just yesterday that I was stressing over making the invitations (wow what a PITA that was!), guest lists, menus, etc… It was such an amazing day though & I would love to get to do it all over again! I knew on that day that Dan would be an amazing husband….but he is actually a million times more amazing than I ever could have imagined. I thought I loved him on that day, but now seeing him hold & play with our little girl just shows me how much more love I could have for him. I seriously lucked out and got a man that treats me like a princess still and is the best daddy in the world. Harper & I are lucky girls!

Could I love him more?!

This past year was hard for many reasons…and many marriages would have struggled to make it though but ours has just managed to get stronger. After the past 12 months I know we can make it though anything together! And since I love watching it…here are two clips from our amazing wedding video (shout out to our vidoegrapher Chris Watson…amazing!):



I am not ready for this month to end! Winter will start showing it’s ugly head soon and I’m dreading it! :*(   We had hoped to get out of here by January at the latest…but we just got word from Dan’s recruiter that it most likely won’t happen. Ugh! I guess we should be thankful because we found out that he just barely got into the Air Force at all! Dan worked his butt off to get all his paperwork ready for board review and it turns out that due to having too many applicants the AF board has canceled the last 2 sessions and they don’t know when they will start back up…Dan’s review board was the last one to meet! Nobody is getting into the AF right now! His recruiter said that for 11 spots there are over 160 applicants. Yikes! I’m guessing it is the crappy economy that is driving everyone into the military (especially all the poor new grads who can’t find jobs anywhere!). While I am not looking forward to hanging out in Chicago until March, I am thankful that Dan did recieve his commission & we have a COT date assigned! If he would have waited just one more week to finish the paperwork he wouldn’t have even gotten in!

4 1/2 months to go…..can we make it?! Time to start looking for a warm vacation spot for January! Harper & I will need some Vitamin D! 🙂