1.25 years

How is it possible that the days fly by so quickly?! I honestly think of a million things to blog about but somehow never have the time. Life with a toddler is a ton of fun…..and a TON of work! I think back to the blissful days of newborn/infant. We were getting no sleep, but they were so much calmer. Haha! If only I would have known then what I know now!! 😉

Little Miss H will be 15 months old in just a few minutes. A quarter of another year has passed. It is even faster than the first year…..I’m getting terrified that it will speed up each coming year. She had her 15mo check-up today and as usual passed with flying colors! She is still sitting at 73% on height (she was 31in) and dropped quite a bit on her weight (she was 21lbs 11ozs….34%). No worries since she is walking now and burning a ton of energy  🙂   She is still my tall and skinny girl!

We were really happy with how she did on all the developmental charts/tests. She actually passed all the 15 and 18mo old assessments and even a few on the 24mo test! Yay! We actually had a resident at first and he left to get the main Dr. to “follow-up”….which we found out later was because he was concerned that Harper was still breastfeeding and not on cows milk yet! Haha! Luckily the Dr. came in to tell us that she was proud that we were still breastfeeding and to not worry about it at all (just make sure I take a good vitamin so my vit. D stores are depleted!). I guess the resident learned something new today! 😉

Being a SAHM to a toddler is quite the challenge. Keeping her entertained is a serious job! She gets bored with her toys pretty quickly so I have been searching like crazy for at least one fun “project” to do each day (thank the lord for Pinterest!!). We are also trying to get out of the house more to help socialize her with kiddos her age. We have joined the Little Gym and go once class each week….which we LOVE!! Harper was a little reserved at first but now she is queen of the class! She loves her little “friends” in class and seems to really take to one little girl in particular, she chases her around trying to “hug” her (not really sure where she learned that!). Too cute!

Yogurt Painting

We also spend several days at the park doing picnic lunches and watching the older kids run around. I will be so thankful when we are finally out of the 100+weather (hello it is mid-september!!) so we can really enjoy the time outside. We also have a children’s museum membership and plan on getting a zoo membership once the weather cools a bit. The big thing though is looking for some mommy groups in the area! I tried one but it was too big and mismanaged so I’m still on the hunt! I love my baby girl and I know she loves me….but we get sick of looking at each other day in and day out! 😉

This stage is so much fun. Each day is different and she is learning things so fast! It is super challenging too because with each new skill she also becomes a little more independent (both good and bad!). We have hit the toddler temper-tantrum stage just these past few weeks. Ugh! We actually seem to have it fairly easy compared to most moms I talk to or socialize with. Harper doesn’t throw many tantrums (maybe one a day) but they can try your patience VERY quickly! We have become those parents who have the screaming child throwing herself on the floor at the store because she wanted to push THAT cart not our cart. Oy! Luckily distractions work pretty well still and we can remove her from the scene if we are both there…..but sometimes you just have to grit your teeth and attempt to finish while trying to calm your now half-demon child (said slightly tongue-in-cheek).

So sweet and cute....most of the time!

Isn’t it funny how some days you can feel like Super-Mom who did everything right and orderly…and other days you feel like the Crazy-Mom who has a huge pile of laundry, forgot dinner, and did nothing but change diapers and feed kids all day?! Parenting has some very strange highs & lows!

But you gotta love her! 🙂