5 months

If blogging with one kiddo was hard it is 10X harder with two! By the time they both go down at night I can barely put a sentence together in my mind…no hope at actually writing paragraphs of anything but mumbled mess! J

We survived our first family vacation as a family of four back in April. We headed to Disney World for the second year in a row and had a BLAST!! We found out we were expecting another baby at DW last year and it was so much fun to go back this year with the sweet little baby who was just two pink lines last year! Disney World is one of the easiest and cheapest vacations we can do with two small babies (thank you military!!) so it just makes sense to spend a week acting like kids with our kids! Harper is obsessed with Disney things right now so she was in heaven and Jake had plenty to look at! It was a lot warmer this year than last year so we changed up how we usually attack the park but it is so nice being able to go before the insane crowds and heat hit!









After we returned from vacation Jake entered the horror that is the 4-mo wakeful. I think I had repressed how bad those weeks were with Harper. Moms of only one kiddo please enjoy it as much as you can! With Harper I survived the bad sleep spells by taking naps with her during the day….now that isn’t an option and the sleep deprevation is insane. I now see why they use it as a torture meathod! I also lucked out with Harper in that she easily coslep with us so I could just nurse here while still partially asleep. We coslept with Jake until about 4 ½ months but he just prefers his own room. ::sad face:: I miss the snuggles all night but he wakes to our sounds too easily and just doesn’t seem to rest easily next to me. He also isn’t a huge fan of side-lying nursing so that didn’t help. In some ways I’m happy that he transitioned out so easily….but I still really really miss cosleeping with my baby! Harper coslept until 10mo and I loved it. Crazy how these kids can be so alike and so different at the same time. I still bring little man into our bed in the early morning hours if it has been a rough night (going up and down stairs a million times during the night stinks!). I will take whatever snuggles I can get because he is growing so fast!


Little guy turns 5 months in just a few days and he is already stretching out his 9mo clothes. There are a few 12 month outfits that are too snug! He is so tall!!! I keep having to remind myself that he is only 4-5mo old because he is the size Harper was at 9mo. My poor back is dying! J  He is starting to get more verbal with his coos but compared to harper he is sooo quiet! That girl would “talk” your ear off starting at 3mo but he is happy to just sit back and listen/observe. His talent lies more in the motor skills (guess that is normal for a boy). He is the happiest little boy who loves to smile at anything/anyone. Complete 180 from his big sister! He doesn’t cry often but instead does this ear piercing scream when he is unhappy at something. I actually think I would prefer the crying! My eardrums are hurting! He started tripod sitting just after turning 4mo and can easily sit unsupported now at 5mo! Harper didn’t start that until almost 7 mo and she was still a little unstable. He can roll around and push himself backwards with his arms while on his belly. I fear he will be crawling long before Harper was! Eeeeek!





Harper is gearing up for her (3rd!!!!) birthday party next weekend. She chose a pixie an pirate theme (she loves anything tinkerbell)…this will be her first birthday party with friends invited. I can’t wait! J  Pinterest and I have been very close in planning this. Haha! I am in complete denial that my baby is turning 3. Why does time fly so fast?




Other than that we are just hanging out in San Antonio trying to pass time while doing everything we can to get a new assignment ASAP. Sadly the upcoming furloughs are not going to help that at ALL. Ugh! Most military people want to stay in one station as long as they can and hate the frequent moves…..we love the frequent moves and can’t seem to get out! Go figure!