Deployment Round 2

Words cannot express how happy I am that the day of departure has come and gone! The actual day was  just as emotional and exhausting as expected. Our original plan had been to send Harper to school in the morning for a part day and then pick her up on the way to the airport. When the day arrived though none of us wanted to be separated for a single minute, so instead we packed up and went for a nice breakfast together before heading to the airport. Best decision ever! I spent the morning trying my hardest to hide my panic (the shaking usually gives me away though!) and Dan tried to remain as upbeat as possible. While Jake is too young to really understand anything we could tell that Harper was extremely nervous. We had talked a bunch about this deployment with her but she still doesn’t always get it. That day however she knew something big and not happy was happening. Watching your child go through the emotions of deployment is 100X harder than going through them yourself. I just wanted to shield her from everything 😦

Once at the airport things got really hard. Harper refused to leave Dans side for a second and seeing all the other men/women in uniform with their families felt like a punch in the gut. No more denial that this was really happening. Once he was checked in and dropped off his bags we found our own little corner and just stood there. At the last minute we decided to say our goodbyes before security like last time. All but one of the other families chose the same. As much as you want time to just freaking stop eventually you realize that the end has to happen. Somehow one guy finds the courage to give his loved ones that last hug and walk away….one by one the others start to follow. Eventually all that is left is a large group of family members…everyone crying yet trying to be strong. Poor Harper saw everyone crying and thought she was supposed to too so she walked out to the car doing her fake cry (until she saw the elevator, then she just forgot her sadness and ran for it yelling that she got to push the button! haha! oh kids!). The physical pain of that moment is unmatched 😦

So now he is gone and the question I get the most is “how are you guys?!”. Our answer…….actually pretty good! We miss him like crazy and have had our moments, but this deployment feels completely different than last time. Not having pregnancy hormones running through me and having the “benefit” of doing this before really helps. The first time I was still trying to find my way as a mom and being alone was terrifying. This time I feel pretty comfortable in my role as mommy so while I am not looking forward to playing the sole parent role I know I CAN handle it. Being able to enjoy a glass of wine after bedtime helps a bit too! 😉 Above all I feel like I am the lucky one in this deployment. I have my adorable babies to keep me going. They might drive me insane sometimes but when I feel lonely and sad their sweet giggles and hugs make things ok. Dan has it hardest by being away and not getting those times. I try my best to keep him involved by frequent emails and daily pictures & videos. Thank GOD for Facetime! I do not know how people handled deployment before technology. I could not do it! Keeping his spirits up is our goal this time.

To keep our own spirits up we are getting the heck out of TX once school is over for Harper! 100+ degree weather and having no one around to help or talk to is misery for everyone. I almost lost my mind last time…I will do anything to make this time different. Once Harper finishes school we are making the looooong drive up to Madison, WI (stopping in Dallas to visit family for a week and in Kansas City for a few days to visit some amazing military friends we miss terribly!!!!) to move in with my in-laws for the next 4 1/2 months! Telling people I’m moving in with the in-laws gets me some pretty funny reactions! 😉  I won’t lie and say I didn’t have reservations when we first tossed out the idea, moving in with ANY set of parents at this age (and with 2 kids!) can be a little nerve wracking. In the end though it made the most sense. I get out of hot as hell TX during the summer, the ability to visit family and old friends in Chicago, tons of activities for Harper that are not available here in San Antonio, ability to beef up our retirement/college savings account, and the chance to let the kids get to know their paternal grandparents better. I expect there to be a few bumps as we all learn to live together….but we will come out of it with hopefully a closer relationship and a few crazy stories! 🙂  I do have several weekends planned doing little trips to Milwaukee and Chicago for fun and to give us all some breathing room when needed! 😉  The biggest advantage is keeping Harper distracted and out of our usual routine. Our routine here is that daddy comes home at the end of the day. He is there most of the time for one quick kiss or story before bedtime. Not having that is hard for her. Putting her in a new place that has no connection with daddy for her will help and keeping her busy and entertained will hopefully make the days fly by. I am strong enough to handle deployment and Jake is young enough to not be effected……but Harper is the one that keeps me up at night with worries. So far she is taking this like a champ, but we are 1 week in….4 months from now might be an entirely different story. So far I have her enrolled in a 2wk French immersion camp for 4-6yrs old (so excited about this!!!), 4 wks of nature camp at the Madison Nature center (digging in mud, playing around ponds, looking for bugs….sooooo not something she is going to get from me!) ;), and 4 weeks of daily swim lessons! Add in the AMAZING farmers markets, festivals, trips to Chicago, and learning how to garden/compost with her grandma = one amazing summer! Summer up north is amazing and I have missed it sooo much since we moved 3yrs ago!

I’m not one for cliche sayings but this one is one I’ve pinned up to look at when times get tough:

“I’m not the perfect military wife. Deployments sometimes get to me and there are times when nothing seems to go right when he is gone.I think about how wonderful it would be to have my Airman home all the time. There are times when he is home that I push him away so it doesn’t hurt so bad when he leaves again. At night I cry because I can no longer handle trying to stay strong. There are times when I feel like walking away from this life that I built. But when I stop and think about it I remember just how much I love my man and I’m proud to be an Air Force Wife.”

We also have a sign put up that says “One day closer”…….Step by step we will make it through this again. It is the ultimate test of a marriage and family. Not much else can compare. We come out with some scars but we come out together. That is how I know that no matter the hard times I picked the right guy for me. Marriage is hard work. Harder than I ever could have imagined on my wedding day. A military marriage is even harder…..but I wouldn’t change it for anything!

5 days down… many left to go 😦


Deployment Deja Vu

How is it possible we are here again? I knew what he was signing that fateful day when he swore in and put his name on the dotted line…I knew it meant days/weeks/months apart….but knowing and experiencing are two completely different things. It has been almost 2 years since we last said goodbye, and only a short 16.5 months since we ran into his arms at the airport and welcomed him home. How is it we are once again saying goodbye?!

First off I will say neither one of us regret the choice we made 3yrs ago for him to rejoin the military. He loves what he does (and he is damn good at it!), and it has allowed us to have me stay at home with the kids, travel, retire early, and make unreachable dreams reachable. But it has come at a cost. I can’t pretend I’m not frustrated hearing about other military members doing the same job he is that WANT to deploy…are begging to deploy…yet my husband is headed back again for the second time in 3yrs. I knew deployments were a given but I was not prepared for them happening so quickly and so frequently.

Tomorrow I once again get to drive my husband to the airport and try to hold it together as I give him one last hug/kiss and pray he stays safe the next 6 months. Last time I was lucky that Harper was too little to understand what was going on…this time I do not have that luxury. I am fine with having her see me cry and knowing that this is a sad thing, but I am scared that she will see the panic/terror. Seeing my sweet innocent little girl be hurt and saddened by losing her daddy for 6 months to deployment brings out the momma bear in me and I just want to scream at someone. How do you help an almost 4yr old understand deployment?! We have watched the elmo videos and have talked for weeks about how daddy is “going to ployment” (her words) and that we won’t see him for a long long long time. We have paper chains to break off each day…and calendars to mark off. We have pictures and chocolate kisses for each night. We have maps and clocks to show place/time….but I know she still is too young to truly understand. It breaks my heart.

The anxiety of the pre-deployment stage is a hell I wouldn’t wish on my greatest enemy. The immense pressure to make every.single.moment count combined with the need to get everything ready (POAs, wills, life insurance….) and him being gone more often doing training and paperwork things on base. Every single day you wake up with a knot in your stomach knowing you are one more day closer to goodbye. The knot that gets bigger every day. Part of you starts pulling away…trying to distance yourself emotionally from the other person. The worst part is the guilt. I have 6-8 months to fill as a single parent. I won’t have my husband to confide in or lean on for support – I am the single decision-maker….and how my children come out of this deployment is largely on my shoulders. This takes planning and in the back of my mind I feel guilty to be planning fun adventures without my husband. Talking about trips I plan to take with the kids…or fun festivals we want to go to while knowing my husband will be working six 12hr shifts in a war zone feels wrong. But luckily I have a supportive husband who knows that life has to go on back home and WANTS me to do what I can to survive and keep myself and the kids as happy/positive as possible.

As deployment creeps closer our emotions get higher and our tempers get shorter so sometimes little annoyances become much bigger issues. I don’t always express my feelings of sadness…and anger..about him leaving – but they are always present. A dark shadow that lurks in the corner. As time goes by I start to feel numb to emotional pain; it is my body’s way of protecting me from the ups and downs that are coming. It can be a strenuous on a marriage; and definitely was before our first deployment. Luckily this time hasn’t been so rough as we knew what to expect and handle the emotions different. The last week though is the hardest as you find yourself just wanting him to leave so you can start counting down until he gets home.

13hrs and 10 minutes until his plane takes off.

Some moments you will find me completely optimistic. I got this! We have made plans to combat the issues we ran into last time. I am more comfortable in my role as a mommy now. We have tons of activities and trips planned to pass the time….bring it!! 5 seconds later you will find me hyperventilating in a cold sweat wondering how I can do this again. What if something happens to him? What will he come back like? He came back different the first time….he lost a lot of the goofy, weirdo traits that I fell in love with.What will happen this time? How will my kids handle this? How can I do this again?!?! Nighttimes are the worst. Panic attacks are no joke.

12hrs until his plane takes off.

Everyone comments on how “strong I am”…how “they couldn’t do it”. To be honest it makes me want to scream sometimes. I am not strong….I usually feel like I am holding on by a thread. I break down in tears at  random times (today in Costco when I saw someone shopping in their ABUs). The news channel is officially off-limits for me, and little things like the anthem before a baseball game will have me leave the room sobbing. I am not strong. And I do it because I have to. I don’t have the choice to stop. I have two small children who need a mommy. A mommy that smiles and laughs and pretends that everything is a-ok! Any other mother could do it too because you cannot NOT do it.

I do pray I have the courage for tomorrow though. I’ve never hated the sight of his military boots more than I do tonight.

I do pray I can let go tomorrow and watch that familiar backside walk away. I pray I have the strength to not utter the words I desperately want too….yet cannot (“don’t go”).

11hrs and 45 min….
