And just like that…

…the last signs of babyhood are gone. My sweet little Harper Jane moved to a big girl bed and weaned all within a few weeks of each other   :*(   It is so bittersweet.

It all began after Christmas when we decided to take Harper’s crib apart and transform it into a toddler bed. We weren’t too sure how it would go and decided to give it a few nights…fully expecting the worst and planning on putting it back together! She suprised us though and the first night wasn’t too bad. It took an extra hour to get her to sleep since she kept getting out of bed and crying. Eventually though she snuggled down and went to sleep. The next night only took about 30 extra minutes and by the third night she was going down and staying down without a fuss!! WOW! She loves being able to crawl into bed by herself and when she wakes she doesn’t even attempt to get out of bed…..she just sits up and yells for momma! Best part is after moving her to the toddler bed she started sleeping throughout the night consistently!!! BONUS! I think she was waking up in her crib rolling around and hitting the sides! Sleep has been a glorious thing. 🙂

Big girl in her toddler bed!

After a few weeks of being in her toddler bed Harper just started dropping nursing sessions left and right. Around Christmas we started the “don’t ask, don’t refuse” method and she quickly got down to 2-3 sessions a day. Part of me was ready to see her wean, but I had no plans on actively weaning until she was ready. Then one night after doing her bath/lotion/pjs I went over to the chair in her room to nurse her like always but instead she grabbed a book from the shelf and crawled into bed asking to read. I was a little taken aback but figured it was just a fluke so we read and then she went to sleep. The next morning she only nursed for about 30 seconds and then jumped down and took off…..she didn’t ask to nurse at all during the day. When bedtime came around the same exact thing happened as the night before…she wanted to read not nurse. I even broke my “don’t ask” rule and asked her if she wanted to nurse, but her response was “no read!”

After that there was no more nursing. She just wasn’t interested. It worked out great since I went on a 3 day girls trip without her the next week…..but I am still in shock by how fast it happened! I love having my body back to myself but I miss those quiet cuddle moments that I only got with nursing. 19 months and 1 week. A pretty good run! I just can’t believe it is over. It makes me cry to think about. My sweet baby is gone…..but an awesome toddler did take her place! 😉

My gorgeous girl!