1 year

Sweet baby boy of mine,

You are officially one years old! No longer my sweet little baby but now a walking (well running!) amazing little toddler! I am still in disbelief.

I was so worried last year at how we would bring another baby into our family. How would the transition go? How could I love another baby as much as I loved my little girl? How could I not only keep two kids alive but also help shape them into amazing people?! A year later I can’t help but laugh at such silly worries. While there were definite growing pains going from a family of 3 to 4, your first year was full of so many laughs, cuddles, smiles, and love. The moment I heard that first loud cry I got to experience what it feels like for a persons heart to double in size in a second. I found a new level of love watching your sister coo and dote over your…and watching you stare and adore her from day one. I cannot remember what our life was like without you.

My son…12 months later I still get goosebumps saying “my son”. How did I ever get so lucky as to get a sweet, healthy baby boy AND girl? My sweet little momma’s boy 🙂  I renamed you my “little monster” around 20wks because you were growing so fast….and it continues today! At 1year you weigh 22lbs 8oz and are 32in tall! You wear 18mo clothes and have went from my cute chunky baby to my tall, skinny boy. Most amazing to me is how much you look like me and your big sister. I always pictured a mini-daddy when I thought of having a boy but it looks like I have another little mini-me! I couldn’t be happier 🙂  Your goofy, sweet, laid back personality is 100% your daddy though. And in true Thurow fashion you have been on 2 large family vacations and visited 3 different countries…all with a smile on your face. My little traveller! 🙂  I can’t wait to show you the world!

At 12 months you have 4 teeth, can say mama/dada (and a-dah is apparently your word for dog!). You can sign milk, more, and all done…though you rarely do it! You learned to walk at 11 months and within a week you were running full speed! You love playing hide-and-go-seek with your big sister (we joke that you have the nose of a bloodhound because you ALWAYS find her!). You only want to go to sleep if mommy lays next to your crib and holds your hand (kills me with cuteness!)…but you are nowhere close to sleeping through the night! You love sitting next to your sister for meals and insist on having a plate with fork & spoon….but you are not the biggest eater! Your favorite game (much to your sister’s annoyance!) is to run towards her blocks knocking them down as you yell “ahahahahah”!

Jacob…Jakey…buddy-boy…bubba…I can’t even begin to describe the depth of my love for you. While I wish you would stay my baby for just a little longer, I love seeing the adorable little boy you are becoming. We have so many memories and milestones ahead of us….I cannot wait to watch and experience them.

Happy Birthday baby boy! Welcome to toddlerhood!



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